Knee Pain


The knee is a complex joint with many structures that work together to provide stability and mobility. It consists of

We’ve all read articles on tips for falling asleep and getting better sleep at night. Those lists often cover stopping

Do you suffer from pain in the back of the knee? One of the most common culprits is the popliteus

While joint pain may feel the same at the moment, the causes (and treatment options) can sometimes be wildly different.

When dealing with knee pain, it can be unclear where the pain is stemming from. But by identifying if you

“Is it normal to have knee pain after walking?” No -- but, here’s what you can do to help relieve

It can be unnerving to put stress on your bones through exercise, especially for those with osteopenia or osteoporosis. However,

Wondering if walking is really good for your arthritis? If so, then why is it the joints can hurt while

Check out these simple, yet effective methods to break up excess scar tissue and reduce knee joint pain after total



Living with a swollen knee can turn even simple tasks into daunting challenges. The swelling is usually a sign that

Hamstring tears can be challenging. They cause discomfort and can limit your daily activities. But rest assured, it's a hurdle

The human body is an incredibly complex and resilient system. Take the knee, for instance. This joint, small yet powerful,

Quadriceps tendonitis, the inflammation or injury of the quadriceps tendon, often puts a damper on your normal routine, from sports

A torn cartilage under the kneecap can present a challenging period in anyone's life. The pain, the mobility restrictions, and

Patellofemoral arthritis is a term used to describe arthritis that happens when the cartilage on the underside of the kneecap

Dealing with a distal femoral replacement is a significant life event. This surgery, which replaces the lower part of your

An LCL injury can be a daunting challenge. LCL, or Lateral Collateral Ligament, is an important part of your knee,

Plica Syndrome is a condition that, while it may not be common knowledge, can significantly impact individuals who experience it.

Say hello to an under appreciated yet critical player in your body's movement and mobility - your knees. These mighty

Hey there, fellow fitness enthusiast! We will chat today about Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy (PHT), a common and pesky issue that

Hello there, dear friends! Are you grappling with arthritis and seeking ways to enhance your balance? If so, you've arrived


Do you suffer from pain in the back of the knee? One of the most common culprits is the popliteus

A hamstring strain can be painful and often prevents you from enjoying your favorite activities like a round of golf

When it comes to different treatments for knee pain, many articles focus on pain in the front of the knee.

Have you ever been just walking or standing up and felt a sudden sharp pain in your knee? Ouch! You