Free download: Top 10 Natural & Easy Remedies for Joint Pain from Home. Learn these helpful remedies.
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As we age, our body may start to ache and creak in ways we never imagined as we go through life. Elbow stiffness is one condition that can be troublesome for many people. Carrying out simple tasks can be very challenging due to the discomfort, numbness, and weakness this illness causes in the hands and fingers.
But never give up!! There are several ways to manage and treat elbow stiffness. Symptom relief can be achieved through rest, physical treatment, occupational therapy, and even surgery.
This article will look more closely at the causes, symptoms, and exercises that can make you feel better. So let’s move forward and take control of our elbow health!
Table of Contents
What is Elbow Stiffness?
Elbow stiffness is when the elbow joint becomes stiff and difficult to move. Various factors, including injury, surgery, arthritis, or aging, can cause this.
Repetitive motions, such as typing or playing musical instruments, can also put extra strain on the elbow joint and cause stiffness.
Symptoms of a Stiffed Elbow
Symptoms of elbow stiffness can vary from person to person. Still, some common signs and symptoms of elbow stiffness are given below:
- Decreased range of motion in the elbow joint
- Pain or discomfort when moving the elbow
- Weakness or numbness in hand or fingers
- Increased sensitivity to cold temperatures
- Tingling or burning sensations in the elbow
How is it treated?
Treatment for elbow stiffness will vary depending on the cause of the condition. Rest and physical therapy are often recommended to help reduce inflammation and improve the range of motion.
Occupational therapy can also teach you new ways to perform everyday tasks without putting too much stress on the elbow. In some circumstances, surgery may be necessary to correct the problem.
5 Most Effective Exercises and Stretches for Elbow Stiffness
Here are a few exercises and stretches you can try to help relieve elbow stiffness:
1. Standing Biceps Stretch
- Standing tall, clasp your hands together behind your back.
- While keeping the elbows straight, slowly extend and reach the arms back as far as you can.
- If the stretch feels very intense, begin with holding for about 5 seconds and repeat 10x.
- If you can tolerate a longer stretch, aim for 30 seconds or up to 1 minute of stretching.
2. Triceps Stretch
- In either sitting or standing, bend the elbow on the side you intend to stretch, then raise the elbow so that it’s pointing towards the ceiling.
- Take the opposite hand and grab the raised elbow.
- Gently pull back on the elbow until a stretch is felt in the triceps.
- Try to hold for at least 30 seconds or even up to 1 minute.
3. Wrist Extension Stretch
- Extend the wrist, pointing the fingers towards the ceiling (like you’re trying to give a high five).
- Stretch your arm out in front of you with your fingers pointing forward.
- Using the opposite hand, place it on the palm side of the other hand and give a gentle pull back until you feel a stretch.
- Hold for at least 30 seconds and up to 1 minute.
4. Wrist Flexion Stretch
- Stretch your arm out in front of you with your fingers pointing forward.
- Flex the wrist, pointing the fingers towards the floor.
- Using the opposite hand, place it on the other hand and gently push down until you feel a stretch.
- Hold for at least 30 seconds and up to 1 minute.
5. Grip Squeeze
- Begin with the injured wrist supported in whatever position feels most comfortable (e.g. on a table, pillow, or resting on your legs).
- Position the arm neutral so that the thumb is pointed towards the ceiling.
- Gently squeeze the object and hold for 5 seconds, then relax.
- Repeat 10-15x for 2 sets.
Final Words
In conclusion, elbow stiffness can be a real pain (literally!), but with the right treatment and exercises, you can say goodbye to aches and creaks and hello to smooth, pain-free movement. So don’t let elbow stiffness hold you back from living your best life.
After all, who wants to be known as someone who can’t open a jar or turn a doorknob? With these exercises and stretches, you’ll be able to open jars and turn doorknobs like a boss in no time.
Remember, consistency is key, so make sure to incorporate these exercises into your daily routine, and you’ll be on your way to elbow freedom in no time!